Hallo Lukas,
Ich habe 3 der in diesem Beitrag genannten Riesenbäume mal systematisch zusammengestellt, weil ich die Meldungen gerne ein paar anderen Mammutbaumexperten zukommen lassen möchte.
Kannst Du mal drüberschauen ob es so stimmt ?
(Es ist auf englisch ich hoffe das ist kein Problem)
* D_130 = Diameter at 130 cm (= breast height in Europe)
* G_130 = Girth at 130 cm
* If not otherwise mentioned, figures as of year 2008
Register-ID: 225 Europe-Switzerland
Location: 8880 Walenstadt, CH
Coord: 47.121° 9.31217°
Elevation: 425 m
G_130 : 1121 cm
D_130: 357 cm
Height: 48m (could be more but lightening damage)
Planted: 1886
http://mbreg.de/forum/index.php?topic=2402.0This Sequoiadendron tree is located in Walenstadt, Switzerland, on property of Lukas Wieser.
First posting of the Walenstadt tree and short description of its natural regeneration (3 sprouts)
http://mbreg.de/forum/index.php?topic=2402.0More recent pictures
http://mbreg.de/forum/index.php?topic=2482.msg25870#msg25870Some more cluttered infos about this tree
http://mbreg.de/forum/index.php?topic=2411.msg22647#msg22647http://mbreg.de/forum/index.php?topic=2406.msg22563#msg22563http://mbreg.de/forum/index.php?topic=2406.msg22689#msg22689http://mbreg.de/forum/index.php?topic=2406.msg25891#msg25891Another huge tree of Switzerland is located in Corseaux sur Vevey (near the sea of Geneva).
Register-ID: ? Europe-Switzerland
Location: Corseaux sur Vevey, Geneva, CH
Coord: 46.471814 6.826140
Elevation: 446m
D_130: 365cm
Height: 35,5m
Planted: unknown
http://mbreg.de/forum/index.php?topic=1920.0There are some huge trees in Germany, too.
This one, located roughly between Badn-Baden and Stuttgart, needs examination !
Register-ID: 57 Germany
Location: 75389 Neuweiler, CH, at Hofstett am Forsthaus
Coords: 48.6623 8.56722
Elevation: 737 m
The tree has a burl at ground level. Figures of year 2000:
Planted: 1867 (Willhelma-Seed)
G_100: 1387cm
G_200: 988cm
G_300: 820cm
Height: 36,80m