Mammutbäume (öffentlicher Bereich) > Mammutbäume melden
Uweltmammutbäume in Park in Krumbach/Schwaben
Sir Cachelot:
my lovely mister singing club... :o
With the first glimpse of your answer, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit, man !
What shall we do with our lost administrator?
Mick Rodella:
Sir Berni:
Awaiting your fifth and finally last star there shall be the following conclusion about your knowledge and respect for nature:
The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.
I don't know which genius created this, but he's damned right!
I'm sure our beloved Chieftain will comment your glamorous and well-earned status on the board, maybe tomorrow...
the "Finder"
Last but not least: I don`t believe in stars, even green one`s. I prefer CROSSES! You know what I mean
Now I must interrupt this conversation and say: G`night to ya all!
This was written by Bernie, the Prussian Hero ;D ;D ;D ;D
Mick Rodella:
Don't leave me in fear, dear brother!
Hopefully I don't have to drink away my nightmares tonight :-\ :'(
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