Mammutbäume (öffentlicher Bereich) > Wissenswertes & News
Feuer im Big Basin Redwoods State Park
Echt heftig ???
Joachim Maier:
Das ist wirklich heftig!
Fast unkaputtbar ...
A San Jose State University scientist who monitored 667 trees in three areas in the Santa Cruz Mountains after lightning fires in 2008 and 2009 at Bonny Doon, Mount Madonna County Park and Swanton Pacific Ranch found that 88% of the redwoods that burned there lived and were regrowing two years later. By comparison, only 25% of Douglas fir trees survived. “The redwoods were really resilient. Anything with a diameter bigger than 3 inches basically survived,” said Rachel Lazzeri-Aerts, an instructor in the Department of Environmental Studies at the university.
“Some of those trees looked like little charcoal sticks,” she said. “Within a year they sprouted new growth, new needles. They looked like bright green pipe cleaners. It was really kind of cool.”
Similarly, in the late 1980s, Mark Finney, a graduate student at UC Berkeley, burned 20 plots of redwoods, each about half an acre, in Trione-Annadel State Park in Sonoma County and Humboldt Redwoods State Park in Humboldt County to test their resilience to fire. He burned in spring and fall, and from low to very high intensities, with inmate fire crews standing by.
“We tried our best to kill them and we couldn’t,” he said.
wirklich beeindruckende Bilder.
Und, nicht neu, für die Forste hierzulande, sollte man viele Baumarten testen, ob sie wirtschaftlich interessant sein können und andererseits ökologisch Flora und Fauna vielseitiger machen können.
Danke für die eingestellten Bilder.
VG Otto
Tom E:
Wirklich schon "lange" her.
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